El Nido, Palawan — Park rangers of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Protected Area Office (DENR-PAO) assigned at the El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Area (ENTMRPA) were given certificates of entitlement for conservation incentives from Malampaya Foundation Inc. (MFI) during a visit of Shell Philippines Exploration’s leadership team on February 13, 2019.
The incentives are part of MFI’s marine biodiversity conservation program that covers 15 sites in North Palawan, including four in El Nido that are located within and outside the ENTMRPA. Enforcement strengthening is among the priority components of the conservation program that aims to help regenerate coastal habitats and fish abundance through the establishment or expansion of marine protected areas (MPAs) and putting in place of effective MPA management mechanisms that help reduce threats.

MFI signed conservation agreements with the DENR-PAO, El Nido municipal and barangay local governments and community people’s organizations from 2014 to 2016, and a separate memorandum of agreement with the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, to progress the partnerships and conservation goals of the program.
Incentives for enforcers such as national park rangers and active bantay dagats range from insurance coverages, rice subsidy, vocational scholarships for children, livelihood support and capacity building.