Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro—The Department of Energy (DOE), Provincial Agricultural Office (PAGO) and Malampaya Foundation Inc (MFI) lead the formal inauguration and turn-over of a conservation enterprise facility in Puerto Galera to MFI’s community conservation partner Samahang Pangkabuhayan ng Taga Dulangan (SPTD), an association formed to be the local champion in coastal resource management and steward of the community’s 17.8-hectare marine protected area (MPA) established in 2015.
MFI and PAGO first signed a conservation agreement with SPTD and the municipal and barangay local government in 2014. SPTD also supports the partnership of MFI with the Puerto Galera local government for the marine zone of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) Reserve, being the first MAB to be declared in Asia in the 70’s.
The food processing facility is the third conservation enterprise granted by MFI to SPTD which supports MPA management from its net profits (10% of net profits is allocated as conservation fund to support MPA management and protection by the community). It produces food products such as coco jam, rosemary jam, bagoong, nipa vinegar, bottled wild honey, chili garlic sauce and others. PAGO provided counterpart funds and equipment to the building of the facility.